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Site Topic Actions (Disabled)

Default site-level configuration for the WebTopicActions WebComponent

  restrictedactions="new, history, raw, edit, copytopic, managetags, harvest"
  format="$edit$attach$new$action(print)%IF{"'%WIKINAME%' not ingroup 'CustomerGroup'" then="$menu"}%"
  history="<div class='natHistoryTopicActions'>$edit$raw$view$history$first$prev$next$last$action(close)</div>"
   * $action(move)
   * $action(delete)
   * $action(editsettings)
   * $action(editform)
   * $action(copytopic)
   * $action(restore)
   * <hr />
   * $action(raw)
   * $action(history)
   * $action(backlinks)
   * $action(childtopics)
   * $action(pdf, can_generate_pdf)
   * <hr />
   * $action(changelanguage, i18n_enabled) %IF{"$MULTILINGUAL = 'on'" then="
   * $action(translatetopic, i18n_enabled)"}%
   * $action(subscribe, SubscribePluginEnabled)
   * $action(managetags, ClassificationPluginEnabled)
   * $action(harvest, HarvestPluginEnabled)
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