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What makes Foswiki ….

the ideal collaboration tool?

Foswiki is…


Structured Data

Programmable Pages

  • Share knowledge
  • Edit pages collaboratively
  • If needed, protect pages with flexible access controls
  • Versioned documents and attachments with revision history
  • Enterprise LDAP integration
  • Store data in pages
  • Use advanced search to extract data
  • Create applications: status boards, to-do lists, inventory systems, employee handbooks, bug trackers
  • Read more about structured data in Foswiki
  • Users can create applications using Excel-like macros - built-in or from numerous extensions
  • Extract and display data in different formats: tabular, graphical, XML
  • Combine with Web APIs like Google Maps to create mashups

Foswiki is an open, programmable collaboration platform
See how Foswiki is used for enterprise »

Our pick of features

  • Runs on Linux, Mac OS X, Windows (even stand alone on a USB Stick), also available as easy-to-setup software appliance for VMware or VirtualBox
  • Localized interfaces in 20 languages
  • Best in class WYSIWYG text editor
  • Best in class security, including protection against Cross-Site Request Forgery
  • Modern architecture that supports fastcgi, modperl, httpd stand alone and load balancing
  • Powerful Plugin API enables a thriving community delivering hundreds of extensions
  • Enterprise LDAP support

Reasons for choosing Foswiki

Created by the community

Foswiki is supported by a large number of volunteers who enjoy creating the best and most versatile Enterprise collaboration platform for free. We are always looking for fresh blood!

How the project is progressing

%STARTSECTION{"col1"}%---++ Our pick of features
   * Runs on Linux, Mac OS X, Windows (even stand alone on a USB Stick), also available as easy-to-setup software appliance for VMware or !VirtualBox
   * Localized interfaces in 20 languages
   * [[%SYSTEMWEB%.TinyMCEPlugin][Best in class WYSIWYG text editor]]
   * [[Foswiki:About.Security][Best in class security]], including protection against Cross-Site Request Forgery
   * Modern architecture that supports fastcgi, modperl, httpd stand alone and load balancing
   * [[%SYSTEMWEB%.DevelopingPlugins][Powerful Plugin API]] enables a thriving community delivering [[Foswiki:Extensions][hundreds of extensions]]
   * Enterprise LDAP support

%STARTSECTION{"col2"}%---++ Reasons for choosing Foswiki
   * [[Foswiki:About.ReasonsToUseFoswiki][Our top reasons to use Foswiki]]
   * [[Foswiki:About.UseFor][How Foswiki is being used]]
   * [[Foswiki:About.ExampleSites][Examples of sites running Foswiki]]
   * [[Foswiki:About.Security][Foswiki security overview]]
   * [[Foswiki:About.MediaFaq][Media FAQ]] - Q&A's on Foswiki
   * [[Foswiki:About.WhyThisFork][Why this fork?]] - a short history of Foswiki's origins
   * Foswiki is the work of an active community that commits updates on a daily base and [[irc://irc.freenode.net/foswiki][is available on IRC]] for help and chatting
   * [[Foswiki:Support.WikiConsultants][List of Foswiki consultants]] - Foswiki community members who can help installing and customizing your installation

%STARTSECTION{"col3"}%---++ Created by the community
Foswiki is supported by a large number of volunteers who enjoy creating the best and most versatile Enterprise collaboration platform for free. We are always looking for fresh blood!
   * [[Foswiki:Community.HowYouCanHelp][How You Can Help]]
   * [[Foswiki:Community.WebHome][Community homepage]]
   * Foswiki is being developed by task teams for [[Foswiki:Community.ReleaseTaskTeam][Release]], [[Foswiki:Community.SecurityTaskTeam][Security]], [[Foswiki:Community.InfrastructureTaskTeam][Infrastructure]]
   * Foswiki source is hosted on [[https://github.com/foswiki/][GitHub]]

%STARTSECTION{"col4"}%---++ How the project is progressing
   * [[Foswiki:About.ProjectUpdate][Project update]] 
   * [[http://blog.foswiki.org][Foswiki Blog]]
   * [[Foswiki:About.FoswikiInTheNews][Foswiki in the news]]
   * See the [[https://foswiki.org/Development/ReleasePlan][Release Plan]]

Related Topics: What is a Wiki?, BeginnersStartHere, TwentyMinuteTutorial, UsersGuide
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