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JQPLUGINS -- display a summary of available plugins


Parameter Description Default
"plugins" this is a regular expression that the plugin identifier must match to be displayed  
format format string to render information for each matching plugin; known variables to be used in the format string are:
  • $active state of the plugin: displays (active) when this plugin is loaded on the current page
  • $author author of the plugin
  • $documentation plugin documentation topic defaults to %SYSTEMWEB%.JQuery$name
  • $homepage link to the hompeage of this third party plugin
  • $index the current index in the list of all plugins being displayed
  • $name name of the plugin as can be used in JQREQUIRE
  • $summary short description what this plugin does; most plugins provide this piece of information in the summary section of the documentation topic
  • $tags list of TML macros this plugin implements
  • $version version of the plugin as provided by the author of this plugin
   1 <a href="$homepage">$name</a> $active $version $author
header header string prepended to the output; empty when no plugin matches  
footer footer string appended to the output; empty when no plugin matches  
separator separator put between each plugin rendered in a row $n
tagformat format string to render a link to any tag documentation a plugin implements [[%SYSTEMWEB%.Var$tag][$tag]]


   header="   * JQuery Plugins:$n"
   format="      * [[$documentation][$name]] v$version was developed by [[$homepage][$author]]"

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