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Function: RenderBlogListItem

For rendering an individual WebLog entry within RenderBlogList.


  • BLOGENTRY - Required - Specifies the WebLog topic to be displayed.
  • BLOGWEB - SRequired -pecifies the web where the WebLog topic is located.

  • None


<hr align="left">
---++ <noautolink>[[%BLOGWEB%.%BLOGENTRY%][%FORMFIELD{"Summary" topic="%BLOGWEB%.%BLOGENTRY%"}%]] </noautolink>
<span class="foswikiGrayText foswikiSmallish">Posted on %REVINFO{"$date by $wikiusername" rev="1.1" web="%BLOGWEB%" topic="%BLOGENTRY%"}% <noautolink>%FORMFIELD{"SubjectArea" topic="%BLOGWEB%.%BLOGENTRY%" format=" under $value"}%</noautolink> with %SEARCH{"%BLOGENTRY%" nonoise="on" scope="topic" web="%BLOGWEB%" format="$count(.*?([C]OMMENT_TAG) .*) [[%BLOGWEB%.%BLOGENTRY%#Comments_and_Discussion][comment(s)]]"}%. </span>  

%INCLUDE{"%BLOGWEB%.%BLOGENTRY%" section="introtext"}% 
_[[%BLOGWEB%.%BLOGENTRY%][Read more...]]_



Posted on 01 January 1970 by WikiGuest with .

Can't INCLUDE '%BLOGWEB%.%BLOGENTRY%', path is empty or contains illegal characters.

Calls to 'RenderBlogListItem'

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