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Function: RenderTWikiFormList

Renders a list of DataForms that make use of the given TWikiFormAttribute



  • ATTR: TWikiFormAttribute to search for, defaults to BASETOPIC
  • THEWEB: web to examin, defaults to BASEWEB


~~~   "TopicType=~'\bTWikiForm\b' 
~~~    AND text=~'\n\| *(..)?%IFDEFINED{"%ATTR%" then="%ATTR%" else="%BASETOPIC%"}% * \|'
~~~   "
~~~   header="
*~~     ---++ <nop>DataForms 
~~~     %IFDEFINED{"%THEWEB%" then=" in the %THEWEB% web" glue="off"}%
~~~     that use the 
~~~     '%IFDEFINED{"%ATTR%" then="%ATTR%" else="%BASETOPIC%"}%' attribute$n
~~~     | *Name* | *Description* | *Application* |"
~~~   web="%IFDEFINED{"%THEWEB%" then="%THEWEB%" else="%BASEWEB%"}%"
~~~   hidenull="on"
~~~   format="| [[$web.$topic][$topic]]
~~~           | $flatten($formfield(Summary)) 
~~~           | %APPLIB%.$formfield(TWikiApplication)
~~~           |"
~~~ }%


Calls to 'RenderTWikiFormList'

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